Casting Crowns: It’s All About Jesus!
Art by Cathy Martin
By Dianne Schroeder
Have you ever entertained the thought that evangelistic greats like Billy Graham have no doubt earned more crowns to cast down at the feet of Jesus than the average Christian?
Such contemplations would appear humble on the surface, but closer examination might reveal the fact that such thinking is actually competitive and covetous in nature.
Which adjectives most readily come to mind to describe a crown and its wearer? Stately, exalted, majestic, jeweled, decorative, ornamental, pompous, worldly, grandiose, impressive, imposing, awe-inspiring, glorious and elaborate are some. Most of us would covet such a crown, wouldn’t we?
But are the Lord’s crowns for the top of the head, or are they ultimately for the Head at the top?
Let’s consider the crown of thorns, for example. Are we willing to wear that one?
A crown represents rewards. Matthew 16:27 tells us that the Son shall reward every man according to his works. But in the book of Revelation, we give them all back, casting our crowns at His feet!
Because even though He gives out rewards, it’s not about us at all.
All we have comes from His hand, and all we are is because of Him. So when we see Him, the natural reaction is to give it all back: the crowns and the life.
Because it’s all about Jesus!
In the Bible, we do find many crowns, but we read about five major crowns reserved solely for believers. Let’s take a closer look at them.
In I Corinthians 9: 24, 25, we read about the Incorruptible Crown. This crown is about being the best you can be for God, using His enabling power. By being willing to make whatever sacrifices to fulfill the mission God has for your unique race. It’s also called the Crown of Self-denial, because we must deny ourselves whatever it is that holds us back from serving God.
As Hebrews 12:1 says, “Lay aside every weight, and every sin that so easily besets you.” The crown that does not perish is given to believers who faithfully run the race, crucifying selfish fleshly desire and pointing men and women to Jesus.
So, it’s all about Jesus!
I Thessalonians 2:19, 20 speaks of the Crown of Rejoicing. We, the Church and its members, the souls saved by His blood, are Jesus’ crown of rejoicing. We are God’s Crown Jewel!
This is also known as the Soul Winner’s Crown. Each believer is a soul winner by lifestyle and by our word of testimony. Whether you are a faithful church member or you are answering a specific call as an evangelist, pastor, teacher, or missionary, telling others about Jesus is the greatest thing that you can do for your Lord and for that individual while you are here on this earth.
When you tell someone the Good News (the Gospel) about the saving grace of God, you have just allowed your vessel to express His image. Because it’s not about you.
It’s all about Jesus!
The Crown of Life found in James 1:12 is for those believers who endure trials, tribulations, and severe suffering, even unto death. This is also called the Martyr’s Crown, but it is not presented exclusively to martyrs.
“Are you traveling through a rough trial right now? Hold on. Don’t question why to the point of despair and drop out of the race. Hold on. Every trial ends sometime. If you endure to the end, you will receive a crown of life” (Revelation 2:10). As we go through trials and the gold is refined, our lives more perfectly reflect His glory.
Because it’s all about Jesus!
In II Timothy 4:8, we find the Crown of Righteousness, a reward for “all those who love His appearing,” those who anxiously wait and look forward to the day when Christ will return for His saints.
If you are a believer, you have been made righteous before God by the blood of Jesus. It is the payment for your sins.
When you accepted that redemptive work, the righteousness of Christ was imparted to you.
This is a free gift: you did nothing to earn it. He gives you His power to live a righteous life for God on this earth as a testimony to His grace. It’s all about Jesus!
The Crown of Glory referenced in I Peter 5:1-4 is the Pastor’s (Shepherd’s) Crown. It is given to those serving as pastors, teachers, and missionaries.
Being willing to preach, teach and set an example for others is one of the greatest things you can do for them this side of heaven.
The Bible says “Don’t do it because you are asked to, or because there is no one else to do it. Do it willingly and eagerly and enjoy what you do! Don’t lord it over those entrusted to you, but be a godly example to them. When the chief shepherd appears, He will give you this crown, the crown of glory.” Because you made it all about Jesus!
Why should a believer want to earn these crowns?
Remember, faith without works is dead. The crowns we earn will press us in close to Jesus, bind us to Him, consecrate our lives to Him and help to separate us out for His service. Romans chapter 6 tells is that in the process of pursuing these crowns, we become dead to sin and alive in Him…because it’s all about Jesus!
In Revelation 19:12, we read about the One who is crowned with many crowns, Jesus the Lamb of God. His unique, superior authority is the only legitimate reason the saints will cast their crowns at His feet.
We saints are members of the royal priesthood. We are crowned with righteousness and eternal life, when we are “born again.”
But when we come before Jesus Christ, we willingly and joyously lay down our crowns as an act of submission to His supreme authority and preeminence. It’s a natural reaction in awe of His majesty! Are we willing to lay our crowns before the high Throne of Christ, or will our focus continue to be upon achieving the best life here on earth for ourselves and for others (your best life now)?
Will we refocus on Jesus and “make disciples of all nations” for Him (Matthew 28:19)?
In Revelation 22:12, Jesus says: “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.” God rewards our work. The decision to serve and the diligence employed in doing so, God sees as rewardable. Thus, we need to learn what we can earn to give back to Him who deserves it all… it’s all about Jesus!
When we enter heaven, we will lay our crowns at Jesus’ feet. He gave them to us, and we will offer them back to Him.
The rewards are ultimately His because He is preeminent. Unlike the Great White Throne Judgment, the Judgment Seat of Christ will be a time of great rejoicing for believers, those who have waited patiently for the day when we will hear those precious words from our Savior, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21)!
We, the Church, are His reward: His Crown Jewel. And He is ours!
Amen, Lord! “So be it unto me!”