WEEK OF March 23

We will rejoice and be glad in it!


Sunday at 10 AM: Ps. Garett King will be preaching a sermon titled One Flesh.

Wedding Bells: This morning, we will be uniting in marriage Alana Dominguez and Michael Hauri.

Sunday at 7 PM: Ps. Mike Webb will be preaching a sermon called, It Can Happen!

Wednesday at 7 PM: Ps. Garett King will be preaching.

Jueves 7:30 PM: Servicio en español en el Salón de Compañerismos con Ps. Leonardo Gastelum.

You can continue to join us online at door.church/live, on our YouTube channel (Door Church Tucson), or on the Door Church app.


This Saturday, March 29, join us for a youth concert with live music featuring Work in Progress from Verrado, AZ and some of our very own young artists. This Saturday morning at 10 AM, join us for an outreach to invite those in our community.


Next Sunday, March 30, we begin our New Believers Class. Our goal is to help you establish a strong foundation for your faith, answer your questions, and walk through the basics of Christianity. This class meets each Sunday evening at 5:30 PM for 8 weeks. If you are interested in joining, please scan the QR code at the welcome desk. For more information, see Ps. Mike Webb or Roman Moreno.


This Easter, ARISE returns to our stage for 3 nights. This powerful musical is the perfect way to celebrate such a special day. Join us Saturday, April 12 and Saturday and Sunday, April 19 and 20 at 7 PM. Admission is free, so invite friends and family to watch the Bible come alive in a whole new way.


Most of our sermons are kept on YouTube and the Door Church app, but some of them are only available on request. So next time you can’t find that sermon, just send an email to sermons@door.church with as many details about the sermon as you can, and our creative team will get back to you.

  • Prayer Meeting: Mondays at 7 PM in the Prayer Room

    Ladies’ Bible Study: Thursday at 9:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall

    Alpha Omega: Fridays at 7 PM U Arizona | McClelland Park 650 N Park Ave. (Bldg. 78, Room 103)

    Marriage Class: Friday at 7:30 PM. See Martin or Syria Sanchez for location

    Ignite Youth Group: Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall

    Men’s Bible Study: Saturdays at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall

    Grief Share: Saturday at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall

    Overcomers: Saturdays at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall

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