WEEK OF februaRy 16

We will rejoice and be glad in it!


Sunday at 10 AM and tonight at 7 PM: Send-off Sunday | Ps. Wes Pinnick will be preaching as he and his family prepare to begin a missionary church in Seville, Spain. We will be praying over them at the conclusion of the service.

Wednesday at 7 PM: Ps. Warner will be preaching a sermon called, Leaping Without God.

Jueves 7:30 PM: Servicio en español en el Salón de Compañerismos con Ps. Leonardo Gastelum.

You can continue to join us online at door.church/live, on our YouTube channel (Door Church Tucson), or on the Door Church app.


We love participating in this unique Tucson tradition and this year the Rodeo Parade celebrates 100 years! It is a chance to represent God’s Good news in our community, and to show Tucson that we are all about reaching the world for Jesus. If you’d like to march with us in this year’s parade, there is still time to sign up. Fill out the interest form through the QR code at the welcome desk. If you have already filled out the form, or if you are interested, please join Ps. Ed Gutierrez right after this service for an information meeting.


There will be choir practice next Sunday, February 23 at 5 PM.


In association with Ps. Garett’s sermon, Gaining Financial Dominion, there will be a few financial classes available to you in the Fellowship Hall.

Below is the schedule and class subject:

Sunday, February 16 at 5 PM: Budgeting

Sunday, February 23 at 5 PM: Getting out of Debt

Saturday, March 8 at 10 AM: The Big Picture |Investments, IRA’s, and Retirement


For Rodeo weekend, we are planning a wild west country concert on Saturday, February 22. This is going to be a family friendly time with games, food, and fellowship beginning at 7 PM.


Looking ahead, this is a reminder that Conference is coming. As you can imagine, this comes along with many expenses that must be covered in advance, such as airfare and travel visas. We are asking you to add this need to your prayer list, and consider what God might want you to give, as we prepare to take an offering and pledges toward Conference as part of our 10 AM service on March 2.


Transform your life, starting March 1st! The Overcomers group is excited to announce our new 6-week series: “Overcoming Internet Addictions.” If you’re struggling with excessive internet use, social media dependence, or pornography, this series is for you. We will delve into spiritual principles and proven strategies to help you break free and live the life you were meant to live. These classes are for both males and females. Don’t wait – your journey to freedom starts here!


Sign-ups are now open for the next Men’s Bible Study on, What the Bible Says About the End Times. This study will begin February 22 at 8:30 AM and continue each Saturday through May 24 in the Fellowship Hall. We will be studying various topics covered by Old Testament prophets before moving to the book of Revelation in our next semester.

Please reach out to study leaders John Scheidt johncscheidt@gmail.com, Raymond Lopez rayleolopez@yahoo.com or Matt McDonald mrmacinaz@yahoo.com with any questions.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study: Thursday at 9:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall

    Alpha Omega: Fridays at 7 PM U Arizona | McClelland Park 650 N Park Ave. (Bldg. 78, Room 103)

    HHM - Small Group Studies: Friday at 7:30 PM - Visit door.church/smallgroups for a location near you

    Ignite Youth Group: Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall

    Men’s Bible Study: Saturdays at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall

    Grief Share: Saturday at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall

    Overcomers: Saturdays at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall

Stay up to date!