The Self-Pity Express

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By Ken Laue

My wife Bonnie recently signed up for an Education First tour of Costa Rica, as it would provide valuable credits to maintain her teaching certificate. I tagged along, and we had the time of our lives… until three o’clock the morning our group was to fly back. I got up to pee, but a small obscure member of my body did not get into the flow of things. I’ve been on the job for fifty-eight years, and you don’t even know I’m here! That’s it! I’m taking the day off! My prostate’s little coup messed up our plans and my entire body. What would it take to fix it? One great Costa Rica hospital staff, a catheter, a bag, and a long journey back to Tucson to find the friendly care of a urologist. I always thought the prostate was all about nothing. Kinda like a spleen or a gall bladder or an appendix or something. Kinda like those obscure little countries on the West coast of Africa you never heard of till someone from church got sent out to pioneer there. I now learned that the prostate had a vital role in reproduction and health, and when it’s not performing properly it can damage the whole body.

I like the way God can teach you some cool lessons even from the trials I go through. That saint you shake hands with and exchange names and pleasantries with, but don’t really know… the one you don’t see involved in any visible ministry… God is doing something vital in and through that person’s life. You think about them for a split second, shoot off a quick prayer for that person’s blessing, and then you’re off to your next thought. But that quiet member may have a more vital role in reproducing the Kingdom of God than either of you may realize. He may even have a role in the saving of your life! Discovering the vital role of more obscure members in the body of Christ can be both an adventure and an eye-opener.

I have two daughters and two granddaughters who I admit (with not a shred of bias) are wonderful princesses indeed. And who would not have been here without the prostate on the job, behind the scenes as it were, all those years unnoticed and unappreciated. But the day it decided to go on strike it had my full and immediate attention. That obscure member of the body was suddenly promoted to V.I.P. # 1, and I learned a whole lot about its vital role in not only the reproduction of the body but its overall health. That obscure saint who looks to us like they don’t have a visible or glamorous role in the church body, likely has more to do with the reproduction and health of the body of Christ than we suspect. And, what if you are that obscure member? You know, you’re doing stuff in the church body behind the scenes, unnoticed or in secret, or maybe you’re a mom or wife and a lot of your sacrifices are unacknowledged. Be careful if you’re tempted to fall prey to the coup mentality. That’s it! I’m tired of being transparent, unseen, overlooked and underappreciated! I’m copping an attitude! I’m out of here! Or, maybe I’ll just get bitter…

I won’t lie to you: I’ve taken that tour! The Self-Pity Express. Tickets are free but it’ll cost you a whole lot when you’re done. Remember: Somebody does notice your labors. Someone does appreciate your efforts. In fact, He brags about you all around His kingdom! That’s right! The Lord Jesus! He recognizes you, appreciates you, and guess what? He even rewards you! Jesus really is the King of hearts (and prostates, too) and we must always keep a humble heart towards those he has placed in the body. Among many other purposes God has, they are there for our benefit as well. Maybe their prayers have even saved your life. And if you are that behind-the-scenes member, think about this: what if a rich uncle or someone gave you a brand-new multi-thousand dollar automobile, but for some reason decided to withhold the key? The key itself is worth maybe two or three bucks. But without it, thousands of dollars of machinery are suddenly quite worthless. What if you’re a key? Going on strike is not the way. No, no, no. Humble your heart. Stay at your post. Be quiet and faithful and be content to think of the reproduction you are empowering in the body of Christ! I Timothy 6:6 says godliness with contentment is great gain.

When I told you those non-descript members of the body can even save your life, I wasn’t being melodramatic. My maverick prostate actually saved mine. The urologists put me on two different medications, and I began to notice I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I also noticed a really slow heartbeat – in the 30’s whereas I am normally in the mid 50’s. Possible, if rare, side effects of the meds included heart palpitations, so I complained and was sent for an EKG and a stress test (among other things). Now, in the last few years I’ve had several stress tests and they were always negative. But this time the cardiologist found 90% blockages in two coronary arteries, and timely intervention and three stents saved me from an imminent heart attack. Had I not had the prostate episode, and not complained about the meds, and not been told to get an EKG from my PCP, would I be here today to write this article?

So the moral of the story, as far as I’m concerned, is keep your heart prostrate before God. That’s humble, for those of you in Rio Linda. And never underestimate the role of the littlest, most hidden member of the body.


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