Am I My Brother's Intercessor?

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A tourist, in climbing an Alpine summit, finds himself tied by a strong rope to a trusty guide, and to three of his fellow tourists. As they skirt a perilous precipice, and he seeks God’s protection along that dizzy height, he is unable to confidently pray “Lord, hold up my goings in a safe path, that my footsteps slip not, but as to my guide and companions, they must look out for themselves. Each of us is responsible for himself alone.” The only proper prayer in such a case is, “Lord, hold up our goings in a safe path, that our footsteps slip not. Guide our guide and keep all of us steady; for if one of us slips, all of us may perish.” Nor is this Swiss mountain climbing the only thing in which we stand or fall with our fellow travelers.

-Henry Clay Trumbull (1896)

Am I My Brother’s Intercessor?
By Sharon Byrd

I waited for You, O Lord,

For Your eyes to look my way,

I sat on my knees and worshipped,

Before bowing my head to pray.


I knew there was no formula, Lord,

No prayer that works the best,

I knew only to come in surrender,

Trusting You to take care of the rest.


I gave You my problems and worries,

And gave You my life and my woes,

Then I stared at the heavens and waited,

Knowing You would soon vanquish my foes.


I waited in expectation,

I folded my hands and said more,

Like the widow in the Bible who incessantly

Beat on the judge’s door.


And I waited and I waited and I waited,

Expecting nothing less than the sound

Of You who would bend the heavens

And for me, a sinner, come down.


I gave you my list of my me-ness,

And I asked you to change it to You,

So the look in my eyes would not look in my eyes,

And Your Spirit would help me see You.


I set all my luggage before You

Full of all of the things that I hate,

Then I asked – no, I pleaded – before You

To remove them for Your Name’s sake.


Then You cleansed all that was inside me, Lord,

And You made my conscience clear,

So I could be free to follow, Lord,

For with You there was nothing to fear.


Then You gave me Your heart for Your people

And allowed me a glimpse through Your eyes.

I prayed for the ones who sought  honestly

For Your help to literally pour from the skies.


And I knew, as each name went skyward,

Your Spirit would consider our burdens

And the look in our eyes would not look in our eyes

Each and every word spoke, Lord, You heard them.

 May your Kingdom come soon.

May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

-Mathew 6:10


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