Proverbs 31 Woman in the 21st Century


By Alison Cox
10) An excellent wife is difficult to find; she doesn't come cheap. You’d best get a good job to afford her.
11) Her husband can trust her completely and his life just keeps on getting better.
12) She is good to him her whole life.
13) She shops for good deals all the time and isn't afraid of a little hard work.
14) She goes all over town to find triple coupons and price matching.
15) Whether she stays up all night or is the first one awake, she makes sure that everything is ready for everyone.
16) She makes good business deals and is able to make more money from her profits.

17) She exercises regularly and keeps herself in good health.
18) She uses good common sense. When things are looking dark, her light still shines.
19) She is computer savvy, skillfully navigating the Internet, and using all available tools to get the job done.
20) She has a generous heart and is always looking for ways to care for people in need.
21) She is prepared for upcoming difficulties because she thinks ahead.
22) She dresses nicely and looks good.
23) Her husband is a very confident man who converses with people in leadership.
24) She makes and sells tamales, buys antiques at yard sales to sell on eBay, and writes a profitable blog.
25) She is not a whiner. Her head is held high.
26) She thinks before she speaks and watches to make sure her words are kind.
27) She takes care of things at home and stays away from that high-carb bread!
28) Her children and her husband can't help but say: "You're the best!"
29) A beautiful, charming woman can be a pain in the butt to live with, but a woman who fears the Lord is wonderful.


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