Small Soldiers, Big Impact
Natalie Williams
By Natalie WIlliams and Jennifer Sandoval
My name is Natalie Williams and I am 11 years old.
I am a PK (Preacher’s Kid) who has recently learned the power of prayer.
For the last five or six years I have been praying for a good friend in the church. In particular, a good Christian friend who is a girl about my age.
God has sent me friends, but one at a time they have all either moved out of our area or drifted away from the will of God.
I was sad to see all my friends slowly fall out of my life, and had almost given up when God sent me Jennifer.
She came into the church after her cousin had invited her mother to come out.
I was shy at first, but after I got to know her and had prayed with her, she and I became best friends. Here is her story:
Hi, my name is Jennifer Sandoval. I am 10 years old and God has been doing a real work in my life.
A couple of months ago, my mom took me to church. I was scared and kind of shy. Natalie walked up to me and said, “Hi, my name is Natalie. What’s yours?”
“Jennifer,” I said bashfully. I didn’t really understand everything the preacher was saying, but I wanted to come back.
After the second or third sermon I heard, I understood that there was a decision I wanted to make. Natalie prayed with me to be saved and I felt glad, because I knew that I now had God for my Father.
A few weeks later I got baptized. I didn’t understand every bit of it, but I knew that I was making a promise to stick with Him for the rest of my life.
Mrs. Eve, Natalie’s mom, started a Wednesday School for us kids.
Shortly after that, we had a revival with Pastor Steve Nicodemus and he talked about being filled with the Holy Spirit and I decided I wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit. He prayed for me and I started speaking in tongues. It was like a bunch of words that didn’t even make sense.
After that I talked to Natalie, and she asked me how I felt when I was prayed for. We both felt like laughing, we were so happy to know that now the Holy Spirit is inside us, and that we have power over demons!