The Bible Tells Me So!
Larry & Geri Priest
By Larry Priest
Curiosity is built into the nature of human beings. I just want to know is a driving force that propels us into progress.
To the moon! To Mars and beyond! Quite often, into problematic situations! In every case, God’s Word, the Holy Bible, has every answer we will ever really need. Some answers may not lie on the surface, but they are worth taking the time for the study, prayer, and revelation needed to discover them.
Enter the inquisitive minds of Larry and Geri Priest.
Having discovered the key to deep mutual love, satisfaction, and joy in our marriage, we were eager to share with other couples the wonderful bonding agent that was our threefold relationship with God. Surely, the Bible must also address this topic.
As we searched the Scriptures for confirmation, God did not leave us in limbo. He led us to the Song of Solomon, also called The Song of Songs.
This cryptic little book in the middle of the Bible drew us in, inviting us to look more closely at the meaning of words written some three thousand years ago. Miraculously preserved as part of the scriptural canon down through the ages – having weathered numerous translations and evolving definitions – we recognized that this song (or poem, if you please) had to be part of God’s purpose for couples, as it had much to say about marital love.
Like two forensic scientists laboring over an unsolved mystery, we set about the task of dissecting Solomon’s song, word by word.
We discovered that the Hebrew poetry of its era does not resemble what we recognize as poetry today, and that some of the words have very different connotations in today’s jargon.
Amazingly, some of the original words are not found anywhere else in the entire Bible – and others only reappear once or twice. This became a key to unlocking the mystery, as we linked similar words and phrases with other verses and stories in the King James Bible.
We analyzed original pictographs to gain a better understanding of all the possible meanings. At times, we wondered if the translators grasped the full meaning of what they had attempted to translate.
Eureka! Suddenly, Geri discovered a clue in the order of a particular group of verses. As we closely examined the passage together, we could find no reason to doubt the validity of Solomon’s intention. It was a remarkable match to the truth that God had revealed to us in our own marriage.
We were on our way! But how were we to share this truth for marital bonding and harmony with others?
We taught it in our marriage classes, but we realized we could only reach a handful of couples at a time that way. Our frustration reached a peak at a marriage retreat, as we realized that this amazing secret revealed in the Word of God was not even mentioned. It was then that we decided to write a book about the exciting mystery that we had solved in the Scriptures.
Why do we feel that achieving greater satisfaction and joy in marriage is such an important thing? Because evil powers are at work, doing everything possible to dissolve that sacred bond that holds together what God has joined. The antichrist spirit seeks to destroy God’s plan in marriages, families, and churches around the world.
Christian marriages are the foundation of stability in all of society. Without the restraining Christian influence, chaos will reign in our culture.
Divided, we are easily defeated. The Bible says that we need to stick together until the Restrainer is taken away (2 Thessalonians 2:7). I’m talking about the collective Church, which is the Bride of Christ. The Restrainer is the Holy Spirit of Jesus, and He dwells in us.
As the Church (the Bride) bonds first with Jesus (the Bridegroom), and then each member bonds with each other, we arrive together at our eternal victory. As Paul explains, the bond between Christ and the Church is a great mystery that is mirrored in an earthly marriage (Ephesians 5:32).
It is a miraculous bond that goes far beyond duty and commitment to achieve a harmonious oneness with God and each other that no man can separate.
After pursuing these truths together for three years, Simply Song of Solomon: a Book on Biblical Sex grew into something that we were ready to publish. Please note: this is not a book for kids! It is intended for married and engaged couples. It teaches both spouses that, just as Jesus put His Bride first, so husbands must do the same for their brides throughout their marital experience.
Mutual satisfaction in intimacy requires time and patience. In our culture of instant gratification, many husbands miss this necessary discipline in the art of lovemaking. Many marriages suffer when uneducated or undisciplined men see marriage as merely a form of self-gratification, never stopping to learn simple truths about the feelings and anatomy of their wives. As in any worthwhile endeavor, we must invest the care to cultivate this skill if we want to enjoy the full marital pleasure and satisfaction that God intended for both spouses.
Guess what? God takes pleasure in this also! Marriage and sex are holy gifts that God designed and created because He loves us.
We ask, as you consider who may benefit from reading our marriage book, that you heed the advice in Song of Solomon 2:7: “Swear to me, young women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the does of the field, that you won't awaken or arouse love before its proper time!”
Wait and stay pure for marriage! This sage advice is repeated three times in the few short pages of the Song of Solomon.
Just as curiosity can lead to wonderful joy and satisfaction in a godly marriage, it may bring unwanted problems for inquisitive, undirected young people. Our hope is that, as joyful marriage partners and loving parents, you will one day guide your mature offspring into all the things your mother never told you about… perhaps because she didn’t know.
Simply Song of Solomon: a Book on Biblical Sex by Larry and Geri Priest is available on Amazon Books advanced search.
Simply Song of Solomon by Larry and Geri Priest