The Silence of the Supernatural:


By Sharon Byrd


The heavens declare the glory of God,

Day unto day utters speech.

His Word is like the sun in the sky,

And nothing is hidden from its heat.


There is no speech nor language,

Where their voice cannot be heard.

Their voice goes out to the end of the world,

And their sound to the end of the earth…


The law of the Lord is perfect,

Designed to convert the soul.

The testimony of the Lord is sure,

Making the simple wise and whole.


The commandment of the Lord is pure.

Enlightening the eyes.

His judgments are true and righteous,

Altogether, every time.


The silence of the supernatural,

Is like the beauty in a windy day,

You do not know from whence it came,

And just like that it goes away…


But you are left with something happened!

A visit from the Lord.

A glimpse from behind the curtain,

And all you want is more!


Supernatural signs and wonders,

Are not a cause-and-effect sensation.

The invisible God shows us all the time,

By the hands of His creation.


But without faith it is impossible,

To walk with God and please Him.

Because we must believe He is,

And is a Rewarder of those that seek Him.


The heavens declare the glory of God,

Night to night reveals His knowledge.

Come live this supernatural life.

Believe in the Lord and get started...


For God so loves this world,

Through Jesus we are forgiven,

For those who seek Him find Him,

And begin supernatural living.


Ephraim: Fruit in the Desert


Huldah the Heavenly Minded