Would Anyone Miss Me?

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” – Romans 12:4-5

By L.S. Lee

Chris looked up from his Bible.

“So, what does the body of Christ mean to you?” he asked our Bible study group.

“That we are dependent on one another,” replied one of the girls. I nodded in agreement, but I thought further on what she had said.

The church is huge. Sometimes it's so overwhelming, it may feel as if there is not a function left or a slot to be filled.

We have enough singers, enough musicians and enough teachers, don’t we? So, what's left? Do we really need more of anything?

Where do I fit in?

Does it really matter if one person shows up? It seems like the church will function just fine without that one person, right?

As it turns out, that's not entirely true.

“We have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us,” it tells us in Romans 12:6-8. “If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach…”

Next, Chris posed this question: “What would happen if we all had the same function?”

Thank God we don't! It'd be a mess. Imagine a body made entirely of ears? Or all eyes? It just wouldn't work.

That's the beauty of the body of Christ, though, is that there is always a position and a specific gift made just for one specific person.

It would definitely matter if a part of your body that performs a specific function simply decided not to show up and do its part. It'd definitely affect all the other parts of your body, and cause them to work harder.

For example, suppose you were blind. If your eyes don't work, your ears have to work harder to hear.

  It puts the remaining parts of your body under a lot of pressure.

  Ultimately the body could learn to function like that, and it's probably not going to collapse. But it works best when everything is performing its function.

The same would be true if your leg decided to stop working one day, or your arm simply gave up being an arm. The body would keep moving forward, but not the way it's supposed to.

That's why it is so imperative that we find our gift and do it cheerfully – not with a sense that your contribution doesn't matter. Not thinking it’s really okay not to do your part to the best of your ability because someone else can fill your position (Romans 12:8).

Because the Church is so big, it’s true that sometimes it may feel that it wouldn't matter if one part goes missing… but it does.

The eyebrows don't seem like an important part of the body, do they? The body could live and function without them, right?

Maybe. But, still: the eyebrows are used for facial expressions, helping to communicate your feelings to others around you.

How could you show someone your surprise without ever raising an eyebrow?

Can you show you are upset without furrowed brows? No.

Even your eyebrows serve a purpose, and when you consider each part, you will find that there is no such thing as a minor function out there.

Are there enough parts for everyone to play? Yes.

There are plenty of needs in God’s Church. There is always something that needs your special effort, whatever that may be.



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