In All Prayer

Armor of God.jpg

In All Prayer
By Natalie Williams

(Ephesians 6:10-18)

Dawn brings a new day.
I put on my armor as I start to pray:
Lord, give me righteousness to guard my heart.
Give me truth around my legs; let me be set apart.
Let me walk in Your surrounding, unmatched peace
So that I can tell others. Put those shoes on my feet.
Lord, strengthen my faith, for there is nothing stronger
Than that shield that can protect me from enemy fire.
Help me keep my salvation, or I'll lose my mind!
Give me that strong helmet to help save my life.
There's one more thing, Lord, (I know the list is long):
Give me the sword of Your Word, so I can stand strong.
Help me always to pray for the others I know.
For the saints and the sinners Your love I will show.
When the enemy comes, not in flesh of this world,
I will be ready to face... then I will stand and be bold.
And on I'll keep fighting. I can't afford to slack,
For the armor that I'm wearing won't cover my back.


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