In the Secret Place


In the Secret Place
By Sharon Byrd

’Tis a wondrous thing when a Name so sweet

Can fuel my broken heart.

When the Lord on High comes by my side

And says we’ll never part.

The days get longer and the enemy seems stronger

And my faith says I can’t see.

So I channel my embrace and redirect my faith

So my faith is no longer in me.

The nights are not much better.

As I lay upon my bed,

Thoughts of this and thoughts of that

Swirl in my head.

Impending doom is all we see

And hope is all but lost,

And there my Savior sits on high,

Nailed to a bloody cross.

Do you not remember, dear,

The Lord, He says to me.

Of the hope I gave when I gave My life,

O, child, don’t you see?

The days are long, but won’t always be,

And the nights for Mine are rest,

Only see My cross and close your eyes,

Then wake and do your best.

The love I have for each of you,

A perfect love guarantee,

It’s not the love for material things,

It’s the things you cannot see.

The cross that stands for you, My child,

Is why I, your King was born.

The way I lived and the way I died,

Was never meant to be the norm.

Never will you see it again,

For the next time I come you will know.

The earth will tremble, the ground will shake,

And the sky will be all aglow.

Know this, My child, that when I come,

I will receive My own.

Two more visits, the next for you.

I come to take you home.

My last visit will be in glory,

With a sword between My teeth.

I come to fight and take what’s Mine,

Put everything under my feet.

You will know, O saints called Mine,

And on that day rejoice,

Be prepared for when I call,

For my sheep know My voice.

All that I have is yours to share,

It is My pleasure to give you the kingdom.

I am the Good Shepherd who tends the flock

To care for and to feed them.

My Father has given Me authority,

I sit at His right hand.

But one day soon, I’ll no longer sit.

One day soon I’ll stand.

Let Me love you...


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