When Souls Were Won

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When Souls Were Won
By Sharon Byrd

(This is to encourage us to give it all and let Jesus use our lives to win souls.
While I was out in the field for three weeks in Santa Fe, He did just that.)

There was a time when soldiers marched
Battle weary and throats parched.
They stepped to the beat of a warrior's drum
To follow His lone word:

There was a day, as God would call it,
His presence would pierce, and those who saw it
Would drop all and follow His faithful draw,
Leave everything to follow the call.

There was a moment in all our lives,
The music played before our eyes,
And those who heard would decide right then:
Stay or leave all and follow Him.

Those who answered the call were given new souls,
New orders, each different, to preach to those.
Each were given new hearts, new minds, and new gifts,
And courage to recruit those left.

The tools to fight were faithful hearts,
Faith in God’s Word to do its part,
Trust in the Savior who called them by name.
The battles would change, but the victory the same:
To win souls in Jesus’ Name!

The sword of the Spirit would strike its mark,
Shine light into a world that lives in the dark.
God’s Word in the hands of faithful men
Whose hearts chose to follow Him.

There was a time when souls were won,
Battle weary and still not done.
Thirsty people but nary a drink,
Never once stopping to think.

Saints awake at night
To pray…
Discerning wrong from right,
To pray…
They know well the price,
That others want to choose Christ,
And they pray,
And they pray,
And they pray.

They pray a response
But the devil still haunts
Because those chose to say no to Jesus.

The Bible says, “The time is right now.”
Your family and friends already told you how.
They said stop pursuing the things you are pursuing,
They said stop doing the things you are doing.
The ones that go against your God,
Be real and let down your facade.

Give Jesus your heart and let the madness depart.
Find rest for your soul and let the healing blood flow
Through your heart and your mind,
So your eyes that were blind
Will see from the beginning
What becomes of our sinning.
Let God fix what we’ve broken,
Stop the grip of Hell’s choking.
Let Him cleanse our conscience
As well as our soul.

There is a time for soldiers to march,
Battle weary and throats parched,
To step to the beat of a different drum.
Can you hear God’s lone word?


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